Prebiotics and probiotics! These are nutrition buzzwords you may have read about in magazines, heard

about in advertisements, or seen marketed on food and supplement labels. But what are they? And

what is their relationship to each other, your gut, and your overall health?


Prebiotics are a specialized form of plant fiber, commonly found in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains! Prebiotics help to promote a healthy gut as they act as food for probiotics. Research studies have shown that prebiotics help to regulate inflammation, reduce constipation, and. benefit overall digestive health.

With a well-balanced diet and adequate fiber intake, prebiotic supplements are usually not indicated as there are diverse and abundant dietary sources.

For more information on food sources of prebiotic fiber and the affects of fiber check out this article here on Total Shape Magazine.


On the other hand, probiotics are living organisms, most commonly bacteria or yeasts that populate the

gut microbiome and make up the ‘good’ bacteria in the gut. There are many different bacterial strains of

probiotics, and they all support health in different ways. In general, probiotics strive to help us digest

food, fend off diseases through immune regulation, and communicate with the brain via the gut-brain


Food sources of probiotics include:

Dietary sources of probiotics are not always enough, and probiotic supplementation can be indicated after

antibiotic use, where both good and bad bacteria are killed off, and to correct an imbalance in the gut


As a functional medicine registered dietitian, part of my job is helping clients to identify

when they would need a probiotic supplement, and what probiotic supplement would be best for them!

There are so many different probiotic supplements on the market, of all which make different health

claims – some substantiated and some not – and it can be very overwhelming to navigate if you do not

know what to look for. When I help clients select a probiotic these are a few things I pay close attention


Prebiotics and probiotics have the ability to heal your gut and restore your health, but it is important to

be an informed consumer if you want to reap the benefits. I hope this post helped give you some

guidance on the amazing, and expansive, world of gut-health. If reading this inspired more questions or

resonated, please reach out and comment below.